Cards Against Humanity Made Over US$70K Selling Nothing On Black Friday

While much of America spent Black Friday battling each other for discounted electronics, Cards Against Humanity ran a special Black Friday campaign as only they could do it.

The self-proclaimed “party game for horrible people” gave buyers the opportunity to give Cards Against Humanity $5 USD in exchange for… nothing.

Literally nothing. Nada. Nil. Zip. Zilch. Zero.

“On Black Friday, everybody is selling something,” the company wrote in its FAQ section. “We're the only company to offer the superior Black Friday experience of buying nothing.”

Game creator Max Temkin estimated that the crazy campaign would raise about $2,500 USD. By the end of the day, it had actually raised $71,145 USD. And that's not the end of the punchline. In a blog post, the team shared how they would be spending their not-so-hard-earned cash: on themselves.

Cards Against Humanity have raised millions for charitable causes over the years, so this time they divided the money evenly between employees and gave everyone the ultimate holiday bonus. All 17 shared their shopping lists on the website - and yes, many donated some of the cash to charity.