TIME Magazine Presents The Top 100 Photos Of 2016

In case you've been living under a rock for the past few months it's now December.

To mark this occasion TIME Magazine have released their annual collection of the year's most iconic photos which conveys just about every facet of current affairs. From the selection of images which depict war, beauty, displacement, politics and more, it's clearly obvious that the dominating topics of discussion have been tough ones.

The images are compiled by photographers from around the world who at times manage to capture the intimate, the heartbreaking and unimaginable moments of human existence.

There is a fine light at the end of the tunnel in 2016 though. This came in the form of Mother Nature, Usain Bolt's dominance on the track and the triumph of nature over technology.

We've taken the liberty stockpile a few of the best. For the full list of 100 images head over to TIME's website which gives a short description behind each photo.