How To Take Your Start-Up Business To The Next Level

Calling all magnificent entrepreneurial bastards. You've grown some balls and gone into business, but now what?

Our good friends at Collective Hub are holding a one day conference helmed by some of the nation's most innovative brands and biggest names across business, technology, fashion and design which will take your dream from start line to start-up.

With keynote speeches, panel discussions and quick-fire presentations from speakers including Uber GM David Rohrsheim, Gelato Messina co-founder Declan Lee, Keystone's Creative Director Paul Schulte and The Collective's very own Lisa Messenger, Kick. Start. Smart. will be unearthing everything from finding a mentor or business partner, the secrets to a successful investor pitch to the art of hiring and easing the growing pains of a thriving business. Not to mention the topic of money - where to get it, what to do with it and how much of it you're worth.

Kick. Start. Smart. will be held on Friday April 8th 2016 at the Australian Technology Park. For more details, head to Collective Hub.