New App Letsee Is Like Shazam For Your Beer

These days there's an overabundance of choice when it comes to beer. Are you an ale drinker? Or a lager-lover? Maybe you're partial to a pilsner or you're a craft beer connosieur.

With so many options and often little to no real understanding of what goes into your beverage, your next sip could be potentially disastrous. So, in typical 21st-century fashion, someone has created an app to ease all your drinking worries.

Letsee Beer for iOS and Android uses your smartphone's camera to scan the labels and shapes of beer bottles and cans to give you basic info, hashtagged descriptions (like #fruity and #smooth) and reviews from other users so you can decide if your brew is worth a taste. It also means that you can be an brewing expert before opening a single bottle, first date icebreaker sorted.

It's all part of app founder Sangchul's big dream of creating a whole augmented reality-based web content ecosystem, where every physical object you can think of could be scanned and searched.

For now we're pretty happy with just beer.